Because all blood is red...

Edu​c​at​ion Advocacy

"Our inspiration is found in this statement by Aristotle: 'Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.'”
--Tamar Brown, Education Advocacy Director

Education Advocacy

A Red Circle’s Education Advocacy Coalition meets once a quarter in an effort to improve educational outcomes for North County’s students. The school districts on which we focus are Normandy, Jennings, Ferguson-Florissant, Hazelwood, and Riverview Gardens. 
The meetings occur at A Red Circle, 6439 Plymouth Ave., Suite #W130, St. Louis, MO  63133 and include education professionals from all walks of life.  

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S.A.F.E. Interns Needed

Join our S.A.F.E Program. You can help support K-5 students in North County classrooms through mentorship, tutoring, and behavioral health support.

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Join an Education Advocacy Committee

A Red Circle’s Education Advocacy Coalition’s needs volunteers to serve on one of the following committees:

1. ​Punitive Discipline
2. Special School District Support
3. Student Well-being
4. Equitable School Funding

Student Advocates 
for Education

A Red Circle’s Student Advocates for Education program (SAFE) provides tutoring, mentoring, and connection to educational resources. Our education work seeks to reduce the high levels of suspension for Black students in North County schools, taking a holistic approach to engage with students, families, and educational institutions.

Through Education Advocacy, A Red Circle can:
employ college students and trainees to support elementary students with resources, tutoring, and mentoring,
provide more specialized services from professionals,
support parents through the IEP process, and
supply families with basic needs.

If you would like to learn more about this program, you can contact Tamar Brown at [email protected].

Parent Cafés

A Red Circle hosts monthly Parent Cafés, which are designed to be  physically and emotionally safe spaces where parents and caregivers are encouraged to share their challenges, strategies and successes on specific topics. Through participation in cafés, parents and caregivers gain connections to community resources and learn more about the protective factors that help to strengthen their families.

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Explore Our Programs


Holistic living through the power of art

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Community Wellness

Greater food security and healthy food access 

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