A Red Circle Blog

Exploring Matters of the Heart: Empowering Our Community for Strength

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Parent-Child Lenses

Being a parent in this combative world can be extremely stressful.  Our parent dynamic is married, single, family, or friends, but predominantly single.  In all of this, not just the parents are stressed, but our children, feel Read more

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_________________________ Independence Day

In my governance class, we studied several historical documents that predate the ratifying of the U.S. Constitution, along with the Constitution itself.  We were then asked to discuss a democratic principle or concept in either the Declaration of Independence Read more

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Two Political Parties – Zero Political Messages

The United States Congress has become almost incapable of passing meaningful legislation that involves both parties.  As a result, the party in charge has been able to block legislation and executive power, based solely on party loyalty.  Moreover, this Read more

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Show Me What Community Looks Like

Albert Einstein is credited with saying insanity is ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’.  Whether or not the credit to Einstein is correct, the statement is significantly accurate.  I have lived in north Read more

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Investing In Your Health by Guest Blogger Deja Erin McGhaw 

Taking control of your health and making positive changes is a journey that can transform your life. As the author recounts their personal experience of being overweight and realizing the importance of prioritizing their well-being, they highlight the significance Read more

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Investing in Your Child’s Character by Guest Blogger Jaia M. Curtis

Summer is fast approaching and soon everywhere we look we will see children.  Our youth are valuable contributors to the community. Just like adults, their attitudes and behaviors help to determine the current and future atmosphere of our Read more

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