A Red Circle Blog

Exploring Matters of the Heart: Empowering Our Community for Strength

Latest Blog Posts

Why Are All the Black Kids Hungry?

Ok, so the title might be a bit of a stretch; not all Black children in North St. Louis County are hungry.  But, there are enough hungry children that should warrant the question of why?  Why did so many Read more

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Signs Don’t Vote (and books don’t read)

St. Louis County is coming off the heels of a very important primary election and, A Red Circle was right in the mix, registering voters, sharing about the importance of voting, checking for voter suppression and election fraud, providing Read more

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A Town Hall Meeting Without the Town

I did not attend the first meeting because my son had a concert at UMSL. (It was awesome, by the way.) I did, however, hear complaints about the first meeting and the fact that questions and discussions were primarily Read more

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Our First Year is Almost Under Wraps

After Mike Brown was killed so close to my home I knew I had to do something.  What that something was, I was unsure.  I have never been the type to sit around and watch problems unfold without action.  Read more

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Welcome 2018!

Welcome 2018!

2017 was some year.  From destructive weather and fires, to witnessing the chaos in Washington, D.C., to bold racism in Charlottesville, and everything in between, it left many us exhausted.  Here locally, the voices of Read more

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_________________________ Independence Day

In my governance class, we studied several historical documents that predate the ratifying of the U.S. Constitution, along with the Constitution itself.  We were then asked to discuss a democratic principle or concept in either the Declaration of Independence Read more

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